ISBN 978-99925-286-1-7

Naturally, we were designed for success!

Autor:Drachenberg, Eduardo
Drachenberg, Gisela Marisel (Editor Literario)
Amarilla, Marcelo Sebastian (Ilustrador)
Grafel SRL, Jhire Grafel SRL (Diseñador)
Aranda, Arnoldo Domingo (Coordinador Editorial)
Vaca Morales, José Antonio (Diseñador)
Woodfin de Montiel, Naomi Faye (Traductor)
Editorial:Editorial Impacto 2020
Materia:Educación religiosa. Instrucción religiosa
Público objetivo:General
Número de edición:1
Número de páginas:220
Precio:Gs 135.000
Encuadernación:Tapa blanda o rústica


“ACCELERATION” invites readers to consider and analyze aspects that will lead them to speed up and advance towards the achievement of personal and community goals and objectives.

Our premise is that human beings "are naturally designed for success." We understand success to be the achievement of the maximum development of capacities or potential, not only personally, but also for those you lead. However, there are different circumstances that act as limiting factors, slowing down or shutting down the available potential.

The author weaves the development of the book through two analogies, which are the products of some personal experiences: a bonsai tree and a race car.

The chapter titles are aspects related to a race car:

1. STRUCTURE The need to have an adequate structure is highlighted. Structure is understood as the factors that govern the performance of a person, group, or institution. There are "structures" or "pots" that condition development and must be updated or eliminated. The structure must be at the service of the objective and mission, and not vice versa.

2. MOTOR The engine consists of the harmonization and coordination of various resources that provide momentum and traction towards a common goal. Generally, these resources, ministries or “pistons,” must be identified in order to facilitate their full performance.

3. DRIVER Acceleration is only possible with the appropriate drivers. Models of drivers are presented, such as the bonsai gardener as opposed to the biblical model. Various aspects of the internal and external qualities for an efficient driver are described. A balance between personal security and emotional intelligence is important. A high-impact leader surrounds himself with competent human resources to whom he facilitates his full potential.

4. RACETRACK The racetrack is the appropriate space or terrain for development. An inadequate track is compared to a plant in a pot where you have little space. Tracks are opportunities for development. Two seeds with the same potential, depending on the terrain or track available, can have totally different results. In some cases, you have to "break" pots for acceleration to occur. Strategic plans that are well implemented are opportunities or tracks for advancement and development.

5. INSTRUMENTS/DASHBOARD Adequate gauges are essential for the acceleration process. With biblical examples, the need to have instruments that help to correctly maintain the course and the missional, personal, and community focus is highlighted. The omission of useful and accurate information can divert us from the objective and make us lose opportunities. Good and timely information maximizes resources and unleashes its full potential.

6. FUEL A plant without nutrients has no future. An excellent car without fuel has no movement. The Holy Spirit is the fuel par excellence. The author refers to various moments in history where the Christian movement has sought and facilitated the work of the power of the Holy Spirit. The greatest impulses of missional acceleration have been developed in these contexts. It is the higher power that brings permanent personal and community transformation.

7. THE KEY Prayer is the main key that activates all aspects of acceleration. Several important aspects about prayer are considered and guidance is given on how to obtain effectiveness. Likewise, there are cases in history where ordinary and simple people have internalized the promises of God, have believed and activated their faith, obtaining extraordinary results. Prayer ignites the acceleration process and leads us to success, according to God.

The epilogue references the “Checkered Flag” motivating readers to take proactive action, in order to obtain full progress and acceleration, on a personal and community level. The book concludes by reaffirming the indisputable and irreplaceable resource of the presence of God for "ACCELERATION.”


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